主 耶穌基督 上帝之子 憐憫我罪人

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St. Maximus the confessor著

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St. Maximus the confessor著

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St. Maximus the confessor著

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St. Maximus the confessor著,
400 sayings about love

26、愛的流露不僅僅在於分享金錢方面,更在於分享上 帝的聖言與身體力行、服務人群。
26. The disposition of love is made manifest not only in the sharing of money but much more in sharing the word of God and physical service.

27、 一個人如果能夠真誠地放下一切世俗的事物,並且,以愛心為身邊的人奉獻一己之力,沒有一絲虛情假意,

27. The one who has genuinely renounced worldly matters and serves his neighbor without pretense through love soon frees himself of all passion and is rendered a sharer of divine love and knowledge.

28、 如果一個人的心靈已經擁有神性之愛,對於那些緊密追隨上帝的人,永遠都不會升起厭煩之心,

28. The one who has acquired divine love in himself does not grow weary of closely following after the Lord his God, as the divine Jeremiah 19 says; rather he endures nobly every reproachful hardship and outrage without thinking any evil of anyone.

29、 當你受到別人的污辱,或是受到任何事物的冒犯時,請留意心中的憤怒,

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St. Maximus the confessor著,
400 sayings about love


1. Love 4 is a good disposition of the soul by which one prefers no being to the knowledge 5 of God. It is impossible to reach the habit of this love if one has any attachment to earthly things.

因為敬畏上帝, 使我們成為心的主人;

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