Online bible study
Thursday, August 30, 2012 8:00pm~8:30pm
subject: matthew 14: 22-33. What happen with Peter? Why he almost sunk ?
no mater where you are ,at MRT, in your home, in another town or country, with good or bad weather, we can share, and talk about the bible.
you can join by your PC, MAC, IPHONE, IPAD
--go to
choose the green join someone's screen and write orthodox-church
if it is the FIRST TIME you will be asked to download the small program (yellow and green).
-- if you are in IPAD or IPHONE go to the apple store and download FOR FREE the application.
--press the application , it will ask you with GREEN LETTERS to connect to some screen .
WRITE: orthodox-church
then you SHARE MY SCREEN!!!!!!
to hear voice : you see a green telephone->press it ->Join by internet -> connect
FINISH!!!! YOU CAN CHAT ALSO with all or each other. no registration, keep your privacy if you want.
ALL FOR FREE, for the love of god.
if it is the FIRST TIME you will be asked to download the small program (yellow and green).
-- if you are in IPAD or IPHONE go to the apple store and download FOR FREE the application.
--press the application , it will ask you with GREEN LETTERS to connect to some screen .
WRITE: orthodox-church
then you SHARE MY SCREEN!!!!!!
to hear voice : you see a green telephone->press it ->Join by internet -> connect
FINISH!!!! YOU CAN CHAT ALSO with all or each other. no registration, keep your privacy if you want.
ALL FOR FREE, for the love of god.