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目前分類:中華文化與東正教 (8)

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karma questions

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為「東正教」與「大乘佛教」提出一個共通的基礎 Gregory of Nyssa的著作與《涅槃經》的相似之處

David K. Goodin 加拿大魁北克McGill大學博士/講師

Marking Out Common Ground for Eastern Orthodoxy and Mahāyāna Buddhism:
Correspondences in the Works of Gregory of Nyssa and the Mahāparinirvāna SūtraBuddha

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為「東正教」與「大乘佛教」提出一個共通的基礎 Gregory of Nyssa的著作與《涅槃經》的相似之處

David K. Goodin 加拿大魁北克McGill大學博士/講師

Marking Out Common Ground for Eastern Orthodoxy and Mahāyāna Buddhism:
Correspondences in the Works of Gregory of Nyssa and the Mahāparinirvāna SūtraBuddha

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為「東正教」與「大乘佛教」提出一個共通的基礎 Gregory of Nyssa的著作與《涅槃經》的相似之處

David K. Goodin 加拿大魁北克McGill大學博士/講師

Marking Out Common Ground for Eastern Orthodoxy and Mahāyāna Buddhism:

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the Father as cause, a contribution to the concept of 因果

see the english translation at the end of this text

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the Father as cause . a contribution to the concept of *因果*


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對Kenneth K. Tanaka 發表於Buddhist-Christian Studies, 2002的期刊論文所進行的反思。

Christian prayer seen from the eye of a Buddhist and an orthodox Christian.
Reflection on journal article by Kenneth K. Tanaka; Buddhist-Christian Studies, 2002

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Christian prayer seen from the eye of a Buddhist and an orthodox Christian .

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