我最仁慈的母后,我的希望,噢!神的母親,悲傷者的喜樂,幫助我,因我無助。請向您的兒子基督我們的神求情和祈禱,讓祂減輕 我這不配的使女懷胎期間的負荷,使祂緩和我的重擔,並賜福將要出生的孩子。因為我知道除祂以外別無拯救,除祂以外別無希望,噢!神的母親,基督將守衛並保 護我和我的孩子。藉著您的祈求和援助,我們為所有一切向三一神,萬物的創造者,獻上榮耀和感恩,從今到永遠,直到世世代代。阿們。
PRAYER THREE: My most gracious Queen, my hope, O Mother of God, the joy of those in sorrow, help me, for I am helpless. Intercede thou and pray thy Son, Christ our God, that He lighten for me this season while I am with child, and that He ease the burden of heaviness of me, this unworthy handmaiden, and bestow His blessings upon the child to which I am giving birth. For I know no other help save thee, no other hope save thee, O Mother of God that will guard and protect me and my child. For by thine intercession and help we send up glory and thanksgiving for all things unto the One God in Trinity, the Creator of all, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.