噢!至高上主耶穌基督我們的神,生命和不朽的泉源,我感謝祢,因為祢已賜福我成為祢祝福和贈禮的接受者;因為祢,噢主,確實 曾說:要生養眾多,遍滿地面,治理這地。我感謝祢並向祢祈求:祝福我身體的果實,這果實是由祢所賜,並藉著祢的聖靈支持他,使他充滿活力,長成健康純潔的 身體,完好無缺。聖化他的身體、智性、心靈和所有臟器,並賜予這嬰孩誕生為富有才智的靈魂;在對祢的敬畏中建立他。請賜予他忠誠的天使,身體與靈魂的守護 者。保護他、撫育他、鞏固他、庇護他,直到在我腹中的孩子出生之時。賜予他生命和健康,不要讓他隱蔽在母親的腹中。噢!主耶穌基督,我將孩子交託在祢全能 並如同父親般的雙手裡。將他安放在祢恩典的右手,並透過祢的聖靈聖化他、更新他,直到永生,使他能成為祢天國的分享者。阿們。
PRAYER ONE: O Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ our God, the Source of life and immortality, I thank Thee, for in my marriage Thou has blest me to be a recipient of Thy blessing and gift; for Thou, O Master, didst say: Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. I thank Thee and pray: Bless this fruit of my body that was given to me by Thee; favor it and animate it by Thy Holy Spirit, and let it grow a healthy and pure body, with well-formed limbs. Sanctify its body, mind, heart, and vitals, and grant this infant that is to be born an intelligent soul; establish him in the fear of Thee. A faithful angel, a guardian of soul and body, do thou vouchsafe him. Protect, keep, strengthen, and shelter the child in my womb until the hour of his birth. But conceal him not in his mother’s womb; Thou gavest him life and health. O Lord Jesus Christ, into Thine almighty and paternal hands do I entrust my child. Place him upon the right hand of Thy grace, and through Thy Holy Spirit sanctify him and renew him unto life everlasting, that he may be a comminucant of Thy Heavenly Kingdom. Amen.