
噢!至為憐憫的基督我們的神,低頭看我並保護我,祢的使女,救我脫離恐懼和邪靈,牠們意圖摧毀祢雙手的造化。當分娩的時刻來 到,以祢的恩典解救我。慈悲地注視我,祢的使女,救我脫離痛苦。在陣痛時刻減輕我的虛弱,為了生產賜予我堅忍,並藉著祢全能的幫助加快它。因為這是祢榮光 的造化,祢全能的力量,祢恩典和溫柔之心的動工。阿們。

PRAYER TWO: O All-Merciful Christ our God, look down and protect me, Thy handmaiden, from fear and from evil spirits that seek to destroy the work of Thy hands. And when my hour and time is come, deliver me by Thy grace. Look with compassionate eye and deliver me, Thy handmaiden, from pain. Lighten mine infirmity in the time of my travail and grant me fortitude and strength for birthgiving, and hasten it by Thine almighty help. For this is Thy glorious work, the power of Thine omnipotence, the work of Thy grace and tender-heartedness. Amen.


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