Universal Exaltation (Elevation) of the Precious and Life-giving Cross
[Music for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross from the Department of Liturgical Music and Translations can be downloaded at www.oca.org]
“Lord I Call…” Tone 6
Lord, I call upon You, hear me!
Hear me, O Lord!
Lord, I call upon You, hear me!
Receive the voice of my prayer,
when I call upon You!
Hear me, O Lord!
Let my prayer arise
in Your sight as incense,
and let the lifting up of my hands
be an evening sacrifice!
Hear me, O Lord!
v. (8) Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice!
Tone 6 (Having placed all their hope)
As the Cross is lifted on high,
it urges all of creation
to praise the undefiled Passion of Christ, Who was lifted up on it.
For by the Cross He killed the one who killed us,
and brought us back to life when we were dead.
He adorned us in beauty,
and in His compassion made us worthy to live in heaven.
Therefore we rejoice and exalt His name,//
and magnify His infinite condescension.
v. (7) Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications!
(Repeat: “As the Cross is lifted on high …”)
v. (6) If You, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You.
(Repeat: “As the Cross is lifted on high …”)
v. (5) For Your name’s sake I have waited for You, O Lord, my soul has waited for Your word; my soul has hoped on the Lord.
Moses prefigured you, O precious Cross,
when he stretched out his hands on high,
and put the tyrant Amalek to flight.
You are the boast of the faithful, the support of those who suffer,
the glory of the Apostles, the champion of the Righteous,
and the preservation of all the Saints.
Therefore, beholding you raised on high,
creation rejoices and celebrates,
glorifying Christ Who has joined together through you that which
was divided//
in His infinite goodness.
v. (4) From the morning watch until night, from the morning, watch let Israel hope on the Lord!
(Repeat: “Moses prefigured you, O precious Cross …”)
v. (3) For with the Lord there is mercy and with Him is plenteous redemption, and He will deliver Israel from all his iniquities.
(Repeat: “Moses prefigured you, O precious Cross …”)
v. (2) Praise the Lord, all nations! Praise Him, all peoples!
O most venerable Cross,
attended by ranks of rejoicing Angels,
as you are exalted today at the divine command,
may you lift up again
all those who through the stolen food had been cast out and were
sunk in death.
Therefore, as we venerate you in faith with heart and lips,
we draw sanctification from you and cry aloud:
“Exalt Christ, the God transcendent in goodness,//
and venerate His divine footstool!“
v. (1) For His mercy is abundant towards us; and the truth of the Lord endures for ever.
(Repeat: “O most venerable Cross …”)
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 2
Come, all you nations,
let us fall down in worship before the blessed Tree,
by which eternal justice has come to pass!
For he who deceived Adam by a Tree
is caught by the lure of the Cross;
and he who held under his tyranny the creature endowed by God with
royal dignity
is brought down in a headlong fall.
The serpent’s venom is washed away by the blood of God,
and the curse of just condemnation is undone
when the Just One is condemned by an unjust judgment.
For it was fitting that the Tree should be healed by a Tree,
and that by the Passion of the passionless God
what was wrought on the Tree should destroy the passions of man,
who was condemned.
But glory to Your dread dispensation for our sakes, O Christ the King,//
through which You have saved us all//
since You are good and the Lover of mankind!
Old Testament Readings
Exodus 15:22-16:1
Proverbs 3:11-18
Isaiah 60:11-16
Exaltation (Elevation) of the Precious and Life-giving Cross
Tone 1 (by Andrew of Jerusalem) Idiomela
Today the holy saying of David truly has come to pass,
for behold, in the sight of all,
we venerate the footstool of Your undefiled feet,
and, putting our hope in the shadow of Your wings,
we cry aloud to You, O all-compassionate Lord:
“May the light of Your countenance be marked as a sign upon us!
Exalt the horn of Your Orthodox people
by the Exaltation of Your precious Cross,//
O Christ of many mercies!”
The Tree of True Life was planted in the Place of the Skull
and upon it the eternal King has worked salvation in the midst of the
Exalted today, it sanctifies the ends of the world,
and the church of the Resurrection celebrates its consecration.
Angels in heaven rejoice,
and men upon earth are glad,
crying out and saying in David’s words:
“Exalt the Lord our God and worship at the footstool of His feet,//
for He is holy and grants the world great mercy!”
Prefiguring Your Cross, O Christ,
the Patriarch Jacob, when blessing his descendants,
laid his hands crosswise upon their heads.
This Cross, O Savior, we exalt today, and cry out://
“Give victory to Orthodox Christians, as You did to Constantine!”
Tone 2 (by Theophanes)
A divine treasure hidden in the earth,
the Cross of the Giver of Life appeared in the sky to the God-fearing king,
spiritually setting forth the pattern for his victory over the enemy.
Rejoicing with faith and love, and inspired by God
he made haste to raise on high the Cross which he had seen,
and with great zeal he brought it forth from the bosom of the
for the deliverance of the world and the salvation of our souls.
Tone 2 (by Cyprian)
When the Patriarch Jacob crossed his hands while blessing his children,
he foreshadowed the mighty symbol of Your Cross.
Having this as our unshakable safeguard,
we drive out with almighty strength the ranks of demons;
and, casting down by it the arrogance of Belial,
we put to flight the all-destroying power of hateful Amalek.
Now as the Cross is lifted on high,
we the faithful piously offer it to Your goodness for the cleansing of
our sins,
crying out in a loud voice:
“Have mercy, O Lord, Who took flesh of the Virgin;//
take pity, O Good One, on the wise creation of Your hands!”
(by Emperor Leo)
O three-branched Cross of Christ,
you are my strong protection.
Sanctify me by your power,//
that I may venerate and glorify you in faith and love!
Tone 4
Let us proclaim today a festival of song,
and with radiant faces and with our tongues let us cry aloud:
“O Christ, You have accepted condemnation for us,
and, being spat upon, and scourged,
You were robed in purple and ascended the Cross.
Seeing You, the sun and the moon hid their light,
the earth quaked in fear,
and the veil of the Temple was torn in two.
Grant us Your precious Cross as our guardian and protector,
driving demons away,
that we may all embrace it and cry out:
‘Save us by your power, O Cross!
Sanctify us by your radiance, O precious Cross,
and strengthen us through your Exaltation;//
for you have been given to us as the light and salvation of our souls!’”
(by Anatolius)
You, O Cross, a figure radiant with light, formed of stars,
revealed a trophy of victory beforehand to the godly king;
and when his mother Helen found you,
she displayed you for the world to see.
And we the choirs of faithful shout aloud, as we exalt you today:
“Enlighten us with your brightness, O life-bearing Cross!
Sanctify us by your might, O all-venerable Cross,
and strengthen us through your Exaltation,//
when you are lifted on high before the ranks of our enemies!”
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 4 (by Anatolius)
Moses prefigured the power of Your precious Cross, O Christ,
when he put to flight his adversary, Amalek, in the wilderness of
for when he stretched out his arms in the form of a cross, the people
Now the outcome of these deeds has come to pass for us.
Today the Cross is exalted, and the demons are put to flight.
Today all creation has been set free from corruption,
for through the Cross all the gifts of grace have shone upon us.
Therefore, rejoicing, we all fall before You and cry://
“How marvelous are Your works, O Lord! Glory to You!”