Judas betrays with his stomach full and kisses professionally
這幅聖像畫已有一千年歷史之久位於希臘聖阿陀斯山的Vatopaidi修道院中,是最為著名的聖像畫大師Manuel Panselinos 筆下的名作,內容為約翰福音13:21-30.有甚多的文本詩詞及註釋出於神學家及藝術家,讓我們看看並點出幾點出現在今日的生活中,由於猶大活躍於團 體,友誼,教會,社會.像猶大這樣的人處於我們之間……耶穌當然也知道.
Judas betrays with his stomach full and kisses professionally …
this famous icon , about 1000 years old, is in mt
Athos, Vatopaidi
Monastery , Greece, by the most famous iconographer Manuel Panselinos. shows the John 13:21-30. there are
耶穌不斷的告訴猶大不要背叛,耶穌甚至尊榮猶大呼招他成為使徒,信任他讓他管理錢財,在最後晚餐我們可看見讓他坐得很靠近耶穌, 耶穌還供給他餅(參見John 13:26 耶穌回答:“我蘸一小塊餅給誰, 誰就是了。”於是他蘸了一小塊餅, 遞給加略人西門的兒子猶大。), 然而當他領受並吃下去, John 3:27 猶大接過餅以後,撒但就進入他的心。耶穌對他說:“你要作的, 快去作吧。”
it is amazing how this happened. receiving the blessing , to become instrument of Satan.
And that final act of love becomes, with a terrible immediacy, the decisive movement of judgment. At this moment we are witnessing the climax of that action of sifting, of separation, of judgment which has been the central theme in John’s account of the public ministry of Jesus…(3:16–19). So the final gesture of affection precipitates the final surrender of Judas to the power of darkness. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has neither understood it nor mastered it. (Newbigin, p. 173) Judas received the sop but not the love. Instead of breaking him and urging him to contrition, it hardened his resolve.
在最後一次愛的表達卻充斥著關鍵性可怕的決定性的決策,在這一刻我們見證到戲劇的高潮因他的行動篩出了分離,審判也就是約翰福音主題的核心耶穌公開傳福 音…… (John3:16-19) 猶大最後突如其來的行為表達他降服於黑暗的能力.光在黑暗中閃耀,黑暗不明白也不願臣服光。(Newbigin, p. 173), 猶大領受了蘸過的餅,而非領受了愛,取而代之這擘餅並未敦促他懺悔,猶大更堅定了他的決心.
At that point Satan (only here mentioned by name; cf. v. 2) entered into him: the expression probably signifies thorough possession.(carson, the john gospel) it happens to many, specially AFTER RECEIVING THE HOLY COMMUNION. or to some of clergy after finishing the holy communion.
With the stomach full of Christ, they leave fast , to do fast their plans to re-crusify Jesus, to split his body, in convenient shops, collecting people secretly counting votes…..
about his kissing i will write in next bible study article. for more , i just copy from the New American commentary of New Testament :
關於撒旦進入猶大的心,(只有在這裡提到名 字;cf. v. 2) 這表示透過附著在. (carson, the john gospel) 這發生在很多信徒上,特別是領受完聖餐,或者神職人員在清理領受完聖爵內的聖餐,滿肚子的基督,他們快速離開,快速去做他們的計劃,再次地將耶穌釘在十字 架上,肢解分裂基督的身體,如經營便利商店,私下收集串聯信徒秘密來投票…..
關於他的親吻,我將會納入下次聖經研究題材。這次我摘自the New American commentary of New Testament 美國新約註釋
The giving of the dipped morsel can be interpreted in several ways. Becker thinks that the text turns Judas into a puppet dangling on the string of Jesus’ decision for his destiny. Haenchen shrugs off the story as a “magical morsel with which Satan entered in Judas.”Schlatter considered it to be Jesus’ effective termination of his relationship with Judas. Bultmann sees the event as removing Judas’s act from human action and placing it in the sphere of Satan.66
猶大領受蘸過的餅已有數種不同的解釋.Becker 認為猶大轉變成一個左右搖擺的傀儡在一連串算計耶穌計劃中卻自掘自己的厄運.Haenchen 不理會聖經敘述 “神奇的一口接著撒但進入他的心” Schlatter 認為受耶穌的影響終結了猶大與他的友誼.Bultmann 看此事件移除了猶大人性的行為取而代之的是在撒但下的氛圍活動.
But perhaps Beasley-Murray’s argument needs to be pondered. Citing Newbigin’s comment that the giving of the morsel to Judas was “the final act of love,”Beasley-Murray is of the opinion that Jesus’ act set Judas “on the spot” to make an ultimate decision. Or to put it another way, one could ask: Did Jesus, by singling out Judas with a morsel, make his final and decisive, loving offer to Judas? Was it similar to Jesus addressing Judas as “friend” in Matt 26:50? If Judas was reclining on the left of Jesus, he certainly had been given a place of honor, but he also had the potential of knifing him in the back (what a picture!). At this point the tragedy of rejecting Jesus was therefore squarely on the shoulders of Judas. If Jesus had offered him bitter herbs, symbolically one could easily see the gauntlet of pain being thrown down. But whatever Jesus offered him, Judas was hardly a puppet, and the dipped morsel was hardly a magical potion. Satan did not need magic to enter Judas. All he needed was permission to take control.
但也許Beasley- Murray’s比斯利默里的爭議需要仔細思考。引用 Newbigin 的評論提供給猶大是”愛的最後行動” Beasley-Murray’s 的評論是耶穌對猶大設下的“場景” 去做出最後的決定. 若是改變成另一種方式呢?有些人會說:因為愛的供應猶大耶穌特別點出蘸餅,促使他作出最後的決策?是否有相似之處耶穌指出猶大 “朋友” 在馬太福音26:50? 如果猶大倚靠在耶穌的左側, 當然是被尊榮的,然而在他背後隱藏著一把刀(萬萬想不到的景象!)悲劇的重點拒絕耶穌,,如果耶穌給了他苦菜,人們很容易看出象徵面臨嚴峻的考驗.但無論 耶穌給猶大任何食物,猶大執意要當傀儡,蘸了的餅似乎沒有神力.撒但不需要靠魔法來進入猶大,撒但只需人們容允並讓他來掌控.
may be, i must write more about this dramatic moment. But this famous account is next to our altar in the church (of course a copy) to remind us the story of Judas which is always active in this world, and helps us to recognize him and concentrate to our God
或許我必須寫下更多這戲劇般情節,這幅名聖像畫在我們教會祭壇旁(當然是複製品) 提醒著我們猶大的故事總是發生在這世界中, 這幫助我們來認識祂並全心全意專注在我們的上帝.