

The Nativity according to the flesh of our Lord and God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
At Lord, I have cried we insert 8 Stichera and sing the following Idiomels, doubling them.

2nd Tone. By Germanos.

Come, let us rejoice in the Lord, as we tell of the present mystery. The middle wall of partition has been destroyed; the sword of flame turns back, the Cherubim withdraw from the tree of life; and I partake of the delight of Paradise, from which I was cast out through disobedience. For the express Image of the Father, the Imprint of his eternity, takes the form of a slave, coming forth from a Mother who did not know wedlock, not undergoing change; for what he was he has remained: true God; and what he was not he has taken up, becoming man through love for mankind. To him let us cry out: God, born from a Virgin, have mercy on us. (twice)

By Anatolios. Same Tone.

When the Lord Jesus was born of the holy Virgin, the whole universe was enlightened. For Shepherds were abiding in the fields, Magi worshipping, Angels singing in praise, while Herod was troubled; because God had appeared in flesh, the Saviour of our souls. (twice)

The same Tone.

Your kingdom, Christ God, is a kingdom of all the ages, and your Rule is from every generation to generation. Incarnate of the Holy Spirit and becoming man of the ever-Virgin Mary, you made light shine on us, Christ God, by your coming. Light of Light, Radiance of the Father, you have made all creation bright with joy. Everything that has breath praises you, Imprint of the Father’s glory. O God, who exist and pre-exist and who shone from a Virgin, have mercy on us. (twice)

Tone 2.

What shall we offer you, O Christ, because you have appeared on earth as a man for our sakes? For each of the creatures made by you offers you its thanks: the Angels their hymn; the heavens the Star; the Shepherds their wonder; the Magi their gifts; the earth the Cave; the desert the Manger; but we a Virgin Mother. God before the ages, have mercy on us. (twice)

Glory. Both now….. The same Tone.
By Kasia.
When Augustus reigned alone on the earth, the many kingdoms of mankind came to an end; and when you became man from the pure Virgin, the many gods of idolatry were destroyed; the cities of the world passed under one single rule; and the nations came to believe in one single Godhead; the peoples were enrolled by decree of Caesar; we the faithful were enrolled in the


The Nativity according to the flesh of our Lord and God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
At Lord, I have cried we insert 8 Stichera and sing the following Idiomels, doubling them.
2nd Tone. By Germanos. 來吧!讓我們講述這個奧秘時,在主裡大大的歡

喜! 那分隔的牆已經被毀壞;那火紅的刀劍已經 歸回,天使們從生命樹上撤退,我曾經因不順服 而被逐出樂園,但現在要分享那來自樂園的快 樂.天父所表達的形像,祂永恆的形像,取僕人的 形體,未經種種變化,由童貞女所生.祂之前如何 ,現在仍保持不變:即真神,祂之前所不是的,祂 已完全承擔,道成肉身,只因祂愛世人.讓我們大 聲呼喊: 喔從童貞女所生的神啊,憐憫我們吧! (twice)

By Anatolios. Same Tone.

當主耶穌基督由童貞女所生時,全世界都受到 啟示.牧羊人在曠野裡守候,東方三博士來朝拜, 天使們歌頌讚美,但希律王卻十分困惱,因神已 道成肉身,我們靈魂的救主啊! (twice)

The same Tone.

你 的國度,喔基督我們的神哪!是所有世代的國 度,而祢的律法,是世世代代的律法!藉著聖靈 成為肉身,藉由聖母馬利亞降生為人,你的降世 啟示我們,光中之光,光明的父,你已經使天地萬 物發出喜悅的光芒.所有有氣息的皆贊美祢,天 父榮耀的形像!喔 神哪!祢是永恆的永有,祢已 從童貞女發出光,憐憫我們吧!( 2次)

Tone 2.

我們該奉獻什麼給祢呢?喔基督,祢為我們來到 世上成為人的樣式,祢所創造的萬物向你獻上 感謝,天使們獻上讚美詩歌,天獻上星辰,東方三 博士獻上禮物,牧羊人獻上讚嘆,地球獻上洞穴, 曠野獻上馬槽,我們獻上一位童貞母親.上帝在 世代之前,憐憫我們吧! (twice)

榮耀…. 從今到…… The same Tone.
By Kasia. 奧古斯都統治時,人類的王國走到盡頭,你成為 人從純真的童貞女,眾多神明崇拜偶將被摧毀; 世界中的諸城必須受同一律法統治;諸國必須 信奉同一位統領之神;人們登記在凱薩大帝的 行政名錄;忠信的我們則登記在上帝的名號,當 你道成肉身,我們的神,祢的憐憫何等偉大:願榮

name of the Godhead, when you became man, O our God. Great is your mercy, Lord; glory to you!
The Reading is from Genesis 1:1-13
The Reading is from Numbers 24:2-3, 5-9, 17-18

The Reading from the Prophecy of Micheas 4:6-7, 5:1-3 Then we sing, standing:
Troparion. Tone 6.
Secretly you were born in a cave, but heaven proclaimed you to all, using the star as its mouth, O Saviour. It brought you Magi, who worshipped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.

1st Verse.

His foundations are in the holy mountains; the Lord loves the gates of Sion more than all the tabernacles of Jacob.
It brought you Magi, who worshipped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.

2nd Verse.

Glorious things have been spoken of you, City of God; I shall remember Rahab and Babylon to those who know you.
It brought you Magi, who worshipped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.

3rd Verse.

behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man was born there.
It brought you Magi, who worshipped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.

4th Verse.

These were born there. My mother is Sion, a man will say; and a man was born in her; and the Most High himself has founded her.
It brought you Magi, who worshipped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.

5th Verse.

The Lord will recount it in the writing of peoples, and of these Rulers who were born in her. all my springs are in thee.
It brought you Magi, who worshipped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.
Glory…. Both now….
Secretly you were born in a cave, but heaven proclaimed you to all, using the star as its mouth, O Saviour. It brought you Magi, who worshipped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.

Then the following Readings.
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Isaiah 11:1-10 The Reading is from the Prophecy of Jeremiah Baruch 3:36-38 & 4:1-4
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Daniel
2:31-36, 44-45


The Reading is from Genesis 1:1-13
The Reading is from Numbers 24:2-3, 5-9, 17-18 The Reading from the Prophecy of Micheas 4:6-7, 5:1-3
Then we sing, standing:
Troparion. Tone 6. 你在洞穴裡秘密的誕生,但天上藉由一顆明亮之星 向眾人宣告祢的誕生,喔救世主。星辰引領東方三 位博士,有信心地向你朝拜:求祢憐憫他們以及我們 吧。
1st Verse. 祂的基石乃建立在聖山之上:主愛錫安山上的勝過 所有居住在猶大國的。 領來東方三位博士,有信心地來朝拜你:求祢憐憫他 們及我們吧。
2nd Verse.
祢提起榮耀的事上帝之城. 我要題起拉哈伯和巴 比倫人,是認識我的. 領來東方三位博士,有信心地來朝拜你:求祢憐憫他 們及我們吧。

3rd Verse. 看哪!還有非利士、推羅和古實;這一個是生在那裡

的。 領來東方三位博士,有信心地來朝拜你:求祢憐憫他


4th Verse.

「這位是在那裏出生的」,他們說:將會提到錫安 「這位和那位是從她出生的」;因那位至高者本身 將會興起她。 領來東方三位博士,有信心地來朝拜你:求祢憐憫他 們及我們吧。

5th Verse.

當耶和華記錄萬民的時候,他要寫出人的出生地 。我的泉源都在祢裡面。 領來東方三位博士,有信心地來朝拜你:求祢憐憫他 們及我們吧。

榮耀…. 從今到…. 你在洞穴裡秘密的降生,但天上藉由一顆明亮之星 向眾人宣告你的降生, 喔 救世主。星辰領來東方 三位博士,有信心地來朝拜你:求祢憐憫他們及我們 吧。

Then the following Readings.
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Isaiah 11:1-10
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Jeremiah Baruch 3:36-38 & 4:1-4
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Daniel 2:31-36, 44-45

Troparion. Tone 6.

You have dawned from a Virgin, O Christ, spiritual Sun of justice; and a star showed you whom nothing can contained in a cave. You led Magi to worship you in faith; with them we magnify you. Giver of life, glory to you!

1st Verse.

The Lord is king and has robed himself in glory; the Lord has robed and girded himself with strength. You led Magi to worship you in faith; with them we magnify you. Giver of life, glory to you!

2nd Verse.

He has established the world, which shall not be shaken; your throne is prepared from of old; you are from everlasting.
You led Magi to worship you in faith; with them we magnify you. Giver of life, glory to you!

3rd Verse.

The rivers have lifted up, O Lord, the rivers have lifted up their voice; the rivers will raise their waves at the voice of many waters.
You led Magi to worship you in faith; with them we magnify you. Giver of life, glory to you!

4th Verse.

Wonderful are the billows of the sea; wonderful the Lord in the heights. Your testimonies are exceedingly sure.
You led Magi to worship you in faith; with them we magnify you. Giver of life, glory to you!

5th Verse.
Hallowing, O Lord, becomes your house for length of days.
You led Magi to worship you in faith; with them we magnify you. Giver of life, glory to you!
Glory. Both now.
You have dawned from a Virgin, O Christ, spiritual Sun of justice; and a star showed you whom nothing can contained in a cave. You led Magi to worship you in faith; with them we magnify you. Giver of life, glory to you!
Then the following Readings.
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Isaiah 9:6-7
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Isaiah 7:10-16 & 8:1-4, 8-10

Troparion Tone 6

祢的曙光從童貞女發出,喔基督,正義神聖之陽光和 星辰指引出祢的

    創作者 基督徒 的頭像


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