

i always answer questions , but now i want also to ASK SOME QUESTIONS see peoples reply.
so please translate my questions about Buddhism (of of course if you give any answer in will be good but for job is only the questions this time).
my purpose is not to start a debate, i hate this and it is not good, but to open a polite dialog in a spirit of friendship and respect, and actually to attract more readers in our website and make it more philosophical. today many of religious differences are based on logical foundations misunderstandings.

1. Buddhism says that there is no personal identity, nothing permanent.
it is depended co-origination.
so me, fr jonah actually i am only a name, nothing more.
as it is in the 那先比丘經
but this is true if we SUPPOSE that i am ONLY body, and have parts blood etc....
so this idea is correct IF AND ONLY IF WE ACCEPT this.

* but if we SUPPOSE THAT WE HAVE SOUL, as the general idea of soul, WHICH OF COURSE HAS NO HANDS, LEGS , BLOOD ETC..., has nothing that changes. in that case their IS personal identity, something PERMANENT , BECAUSE HAS NO PARTS.

* my meaning is to say that buddhism starts with a belief, a trust to a personwho teaches this theory, to buddha who suggests that EVERYTHING has parts, like the chariot in the 那先比丘經 has axis, wheels etc...

* but as we see there are other theories also that can be based on a belief for example of a soul which has no parts because it is immaterial. and can be equally logically accepted.

* another logical (not religious) idea about who i am , which is not according to the book 那先比丘經 (milida pahna the link i have above)(actually the king who speaks to the nagasena is the greek kind Menandros ,in india, is it funny?, i am greek also, ...) but can be equally accepted is that the concept i have for MYSELF, FOR WHO I AM , DOES NOT DEPENDS ON MY PARTS. i have the idea that i exist independently of my legs , head , etc...
* IF we accept a 5th dimension that exists, then , the parts of the chariot, like the wheels, the axis etc.. CAN BE CONNECTED BY THIS DIMENSION, so THE CHARIOT EXISTS. for example if you have a piece of paper, which is a 2-dimensional surface and you put your fingers on it, a 2 dimensional creature will see 5 fingerprints (one for each of your figures and he will thing that there are PARTS of your hand, so it will conclude according to buddhism that the concept HAND is only a name . but if you see in 3 dimensions you see that there is one object the hand, not only the projections of the hand to a surface. i write this to say again that there are MANY logical explanations and not only one as the monk says to the king.
* another idea about identity is to see the parts not from this world point of view (which may be is not accurate , perfect, etc) so let us see from the perfection. how about the 1000 or 10.000 buddhas? buddhism says that i can be a buddha also. my question is , if there are many buddhas, WHAT MAKES THEM TO BE MANY? MANY MEANS THAT WE CAN DISTINGUISH THEM, THAT WE CAN COUNT THEM, THIS IS WHY THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE MANY. in the perfect state of being one buddha, obviously you do not have legs , hands etc.. like the chariot theory. WHAT MAKES THEM TO BE DISTINGUISHED ? this is my question.
* also in this famous dialog , the milida pahna, nagasena , CONCLUDES , that because our experience says that the things WE CAN OBSERVE consist of parts , HE CONCLUDES THAT EVERYTHING ALSO CONSISTS OF PARTS. but this is a generalization, it is not a logical proof at all. to be more clear , in high school mathematics we PROVE that, if 1 and 2 are integers then then 98998.. is integer. WE DO NOT SAY , OF COURSE IT IS BECAUSE OUR EXPERIENCE SAYS SO. so what i want to say is that if we say , i accept Buddhism because i trust and believe Buddha, it is logical consist , but if we say i accept Buddhism because this is the logical conclusion of my objervations , this is wrong.!!!!



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