
St. Maximus the confessor著

《400 sayings about love》
by St. Maximus the confessor


76. Humility and distress free man from every sin, the former by cutting out the passions of the soul, the latter those of the body. The blessed David shows that he did this in one of his prayers to God, "Look upon my humility and my trouble and forgive all my sins."

77. By means of the commandments the Lord renders detached those who carry them out; by means of the divine doctrines he bestows on them the enlightenment of knowledge.

78. All doctrines are concerned either with God or with visible and invisible things or with Providence and judgment about them.

79、 布施治療了靈魂中暴怒的部分,禁食撲滅了欲望的部分,祈禱則淨化了我們的心,讓它準備好進行實相的靜觀。

79. Almsgiving heals the irascible part of the soul; fasting extinguishes the concupiscible part, and prayer purifies the mind and prepares it for the contemplation of reality. For the powers of the soul the Lord has granted us the commandments as well.

80、他說:「跟我學吧! 因為我是良善心謙的。」良善使性情穩定,謙卑使心靈解脫驕傲與自大。
80. "Learn of me," he says, "because I am meek and humble of heart." Meekness keeps the temper steady, and humility frees the mind from conceit and vainglory.

否則,我們很容易在熟悉了「愛」之 後,在上帝面前升起傲慢心。

81. The fear of the Lord is twofold. The first type is produced in us from threats of punishment, and from it arise in proper order self-control, patience, hope in God, and detachment, from which comes love. The second is coupled with love itself and constantly produces reverence in the soul, lest through the familiarity of love it become presumptuous of God.


82. Perfect love casts out the first fear from the soul which by possessing it no longer fears punishment. The second fear it has always joined to it, as was said. The following passages apply to the first fear: "By the fear of the Lord everyone turns away from evil"; and, "The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord." And to the second fear: "The fear of the Lord is pure and remains forever and ever," and, "There is no want in those who fear him."

他把對肉體的煩惱牽掛稱作「塵世」; 把真正的罪惡稱作「淫亂」;把對情欲的贊同稱作「污穢」,
把充滿情欲的思想稱作「邪情」, 把唯獨接受貪欲思想稱作「惡欲」,把維持生命並助長情欲的事物稱作「貪婪」。

83. "Put to death your members which are on earth: fornication, uncleanness, lust, evil concupiscence, and greed." He names the care of the flesh "earth"; he speaks of actual sinning as "fornication"; consent he calls "uncleanness"; passionate thoughts he names "lust"; the mere acceptance of a lustful thought is "evil concupiscence"; the matter which gives life and growth to passion he calls "greed." All of these things as members of the wisdom of the flesh the divine Apostle ordered us to put to death.

84、起初,回憶只在心中引起一個單純的想法,但是, 如果它在心中徘徊不去,就會引起欲望。
首先要求他們,追溯至以往最早的罪,盡力去除罪在心中的一 切影響,以求在根源上完全斷絕罪惡。

84. First the memory brings up a simple thought to the mind, and when it lingers about it arouses passion. When it is not removed it sways the mind to consent, and when this happens the actual sinning finally takes place. Thus the all-wise Apostle, in writing to Gentile converts, bids them to remove first of all the effect of the sin, then to backtrack in order to end up at the cause. As previously mentioned, the cause is greed which gives life and growth to passion. And I think that here it signifies gluttony, which is the mother and nurse of fornication. Now greed is evil not only in regard to possessions but also in regard to food, in the same way that self-control is good not only in regard to food but also in regard to possessions.


85. As a little sparrow whose foot is tied tries to fly but is pulled to earth by the cord to which it is bound, so does the mind which does not yet possess detachment get pulled down and dragged to earth when it flies to the knowledge of heavenly things.

86. When the mind is completely freed from the passions, it journeys straight ahead to the contemplation of created things and makes its way to the knowledge of the Holy Trinity.

87、 一顆純淨的心靈,單純地呈現出事物的概念時,就開始轉向靈性的靜觀了。

87. When the mind is pure and takes on ideas of things it is moved to a spiritual contemplation. But when it has become impure by carelessness, it imagines mere ideas of other things, so that receiving human ideas it turns back to shameful and evil thoughts.

如果心靈受到世俗概念的擾亂,就是尚未達到完全超然的境 界。

88. When in time of prayer no ideas of the world ever disturb the mind, then know that you are not outside the limits of detachment.

89、 當靈魂開始感覺到自己的圓滿時,它是如此的單純,且完全不受夢境中的影像所干擾。
89. When the soul begins to feel its own good health, then does it regard as simple and undisturbing the imaginings which take place in dreams.


90. Just as the beauty of visible things attracts the eye of sense, so also the knowledge of invisible things attracts the pure mind to itself; by invisible things I mean those without a body.


91. It is a great thing not to be affected by things; but it is much greater to remain detached from the thought of them. Therefore, the demons' battle against us through thoughts is more severe than that through deeds.

92、 一個成功的人如果擁有美德又學富五車,能夠透過本性來辨別事物,依循正確的道理來思考事物,終究不會走錯路。
這是因為我們在運用事物的時候, 如果不合於天理,就會變得缺德,如果合於天理,就會貞潔。

92. The one who has had success with the virtues and has become rich in knowledge as at last discerning things by their nature does and considers everything according to right reason and is in no way misled. For it is on the basis of whether we make use of things rationally or irrationally that we become either virtuous or wicked.


93. A sign of lofty detachment is that the ideas of the things which are always arising in the heart are just mere thoughts, whether the body is awake or asleep.


94. Through the working out of the commandments the mind puts off the passions. Through the spiritual contemplation of visible realities it puts off impassioned thoughts of things. Through the knowledge of invisible realities it puts off contemplation of visible things. And finally this it puts off through the knowledge of the Holy Trinity.

95、 那公正無私的太陽,從純淨的心靈中升起,不但照亮了自己,也照亮了藉由它而存在的法則,

95. Just as the sun in rising and lighting up the world manifests both itself and the things which it lights up, so the sun of justice in rising on a pure mind manifests both itself and the principles which have been and will be brought to existence by it.

96、 我們無法從上帝的存有本身認識上帝,而是要從他在受造物身上展現的神意和無與倫比的作用,來認識上帝。

96. We do not know God from his being but from his magnificent works and his Providence for beings. Through these as through mirrors we perceive his infinite goodness and wisdom and power.

97、 除了在人性的單純思想中,可以找到純淨心靈之外,在對感知界或理性界的自然靜觀中,

97. The pure mind is found either in simple ideas of human things or in the natural contemplation of visible realities, or in that of invisible realities, or in the light of the Holy Trinity.

98. The mind which is settled in the contemplation of visible realities searches out either the natural reasons of things or those which are signified by them, or else it seeks the cause itself.

99、住於靜觀的人,不但看到了自然界一切事物的 「理」,一切他們所行之事的「因」,也看到了這一 切事的「果」,

99. Dwelling in the contemplation of the invisible it seeks both the natural reasons of these things, the cause of their production, and whatever is consequent upon them, and also what is the Providence and judgment concerning them.

100、靈魂一旦處於上帝之內,就 會受到渴望的鼓舞,去尋求上帝存在的至高真理,
就好像神學家Gregory與 Dionysius都曾在某處提出同樣的說法。

100. Once it is in God, it is inflamed with desire and seeks first of all the principles of his being but finds no satisfaction in what is proper to himself, for that is impossible and forbidden to every created nature alike. But it does receive encouragement from his attributes, that is, from what concerns his eternity, infinity, and immensity, as well as from his goodness, wisdom, and power by which he creates, governs, and judges beings. "And this alone is thoroughly understandable in him, infinity"; and the very fact of knowing nothing about him is to know beyond the mind's power, as the theologians Gregory and Dionysius have both said somewhere.


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