
St. Maximus the confessor著,
400 sayings about love


1. Love 4 is a good disposition of the soul by which one prefers no being to the knowledge 5 of God. It is impossible to reach the habit of this love if one has any attachment to earthly things.

因為敬畏上帝, 使我們成為心的主人;
超然的神態,讓我們擁有愛6 。

2. Love is begotten of detachment, 6 detachment of hope in God, hope of patient endurance and long-suffering, these of general self-mastery, self-mastery of fear of God, and fear of faith in the Lord.

能夠以平靜之心忍受磨難的人, 將會擁有來自上帝的希望;

3. The one who believes the Lord fears punishment; the one who fears punishment becomes master of his passions; the one who becomes master of his passions patiently endures tribulations; the one who patiently endures tribulations will have hope in God; hope in God separates from every earthly attachment; and when the mind is separated from this it will have love for God. 7


4. The one who loves God prefers knowledge of him to all things made by him and is constantly devoted to it by desire.


5. If all things have been made by God and for his sake, then God is better than what has been made by him. The one who forsakes the better and is engrossed in inferior things shows that he prefers the things made by God to God himself.

6、一個全心全意專注於上帝之愛的人, 不會執著於任何有形的事物,甚至是自己的肉身。8

6. The one who has his mind fixed on the love of God disdains all visible things and even his own body as alien. 8

7、 如果靈魂優於肉身,而上帝無可比擬地優於受造的世界,

7. If the soul is better than the body and
God incomparably better than the world which he created, the one who prefers the body to the soul and the world to the God who created it is no different from idolaters.

8、 一個心中沒有愛,對上帝無法付出真心,又執著於一切感官界的人,

8. The one who separates his mind from love and devotedness toward God and keeps it tied to any sensible thing is the one who prefers the body to the soul and things that are made to God their Creator.


9. If the life of the mind is the illumination of knowledge and this is born of love for God, then it is well said that there is nothing greater than love. 9


10. When in the full ardor of its love 10 for God the mind goes out of itself, then it has no perception at all either of itself or of any creatures. For once illumined by the divine and infinite light, it remains insensible to anything that is made by him, just as the physical eye has no sensation of the stars when the sun has risen.

11、所有的美德都會幫助我們追求神性之愛,而純淨的祈禱是 最上乘的美德。

11. All the virtues assist the mind in the pursuit of divine love, but above all does pure prayer. By it the mind is given wings to go ahead to God and becomes alien to all things.

12、透過愛,心靈陶醉於神性知識,並且脫離對受造物 的執著,獲得超然神性的概念,11

12. When through love the mind is ravished by divine knowledge and in going outside of creatures has a perception of divine transcendence, 11 then, according to the divine Isaiah, it comes in consternation to a realization of its own lowliness and says with conviction the words of the prophet:
Woe is me for I am stricken at heart; because being a man having unclean lips, I dwell in the midst of a people with unclean lips and I have seen with my eyes the King, the Lord of hosts. 12

13、 愛上帝的人,會忍不住去愛身邊所有人,並且愛人如己。
因此,當 他看到別人改過和轉變時,心中會有一種廣大的、無可言喻的喜悅。

13. The one who loves God cannot help but love also every man as himself even though he is displeased by the passions of those who are not yet purified. Thus when he sees their conversion and amendment, he rejoices with an unbounded and unspeakable joy.


14. The passionate soul is impure, filled with thoughts of lust and hatred.

15、如果一個人對某人或是某事 存有一絲恨意,那麼,他就完全遠離了上帝、遠離愛。

15. The one who sees a trace of hatred in his own heart through any fault at all toward any man whoever he may be makes himself completely foreign to the love for God, because love for God in no way admits of hatred for man.

又說:「我的誡命就是愛人如己。」13 因此,一個人如果不愛身邊所有人,就沒有遵守上帝的誡命。

16. "The one who loves me," says the Lord, "will keep my commandments" and "this is my commandment, that you love one another." 13 Therefore the one who does not love his neighbor is not keeping the commandment, and the one who does not keep the commandment is not able to love the Lord.

17、 一個能夠用平等心去愛眾生的人,是有福的。14

17. Blessed is the man who has learnt to love all men equally. 14


18. Blessed is the man who is not attached to any corruptible or transitory thing.

19、 一顆超越萬有的心靈是有福的。一顆沉醉在神性之美所散發的永恆光芒之中的心靈,是有福的。

19. Blessed is the mind which has gone beyond all beings and takes unceasing delight in the divine beauty.

而且,常常為了短暫的利益而埋怨、嫉妒身邊的人 -------- 這樣的人是在為受造物效勞,而不是為造物主效勞。16

20. The one who makes provision for the desires of the flesh 15 and bears a grudge against his neighbor for transitory things—such a man serves the creature rather than the Creator. 16

21、一個人如果能夠遠離欲樂與疾病,就能致力於更高 尚的事物,為更有價值的事情服務。

21. The one who keeps his body away from pleasure and sickness keeps it as a fellow worker in the service of better things.

22、如果一個人遠離了一切世俗欲望, 就能超然於一切世間煩惱。

22. The one who flees all the world's desires puts himself beyond every worldly grief.

一個愛上帝的人, 不會緊抓住財產不放,而是仿效上帝,將金錢送給那些有需要的人。17

23. The one who loves God surely loves his neighbor as well. Such a person cannot hold on to money but rather gives it out in God's fashion to each one who has need. 17

24、 一個仿效上帝而布施的人,在布施的時候,不會去計較對方是善是惡,也不會計較對方正直與否,
而是以平等心,依據對方的需求進行布施。儘管,此 人因為心中的善念,而偏愛正直的人更勝於缺德的人。18

24. The one (who imitates God by giving alms) knows no difference between evil and good or just and unjust in regard to the needs of the body, but distributes to all without distinction according to their need even if he prefers the virtuous person over the wicked because of his good intention. 18

25、我們要像那 先天善良、完全不受情慾的束縛的上帝一樣,以平等心去愛一切受造物,

25. Just as God who is by nature good and free of passion loves all in an equal way as his creatures but glorifies the virtuous man for having become his friend through his intention and has mercy on the wicked out of his goodness and converts him by chastening him in this life, so also does the one who is good and without passion through his intention love equally all men—the virtuous because of his nature and good will and likewise the wicked because of his nature and compassion by which he pities one who is foolish and makes his way in darkness.


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