

it is your obligation to pray for the dead.

1. we say to our brothers , please pray for me, because we need their prayer . but death can not stop us to be members of the church.
羅馬書 Romans 8:38-39
# 因為我深信:無論是死亡,是生活,是天使,是掌權者, 是現存的或將來的事物,是有權能者,
# 是崇高或深遠的勢力,或其他任何受造之物,都不能使我們與天主的愛相隔絕,

3. even the bad person as Jesus said in 路加福音 Luke 16:27-28
# 那人說: 父親! 那麼就請你打發拉匝祿到我父家去,
# 因為我有五個兄弟,叫他警告他們,免得他們也來到這痛苦的地方。
the souls pray to god.
若望默示錄 Revelation 6:9-10
# 當羔羊開啟第五個印的時候,我看見在祭壇下面,那些曾為了天主的話,並為了他們所持守的證言,

# 大聲喊說: 「聖潔而真實的主啊!你不行審判,不向世上的居民為我們的血伸冤,要到幾時呢?」

praying for the dead does not mean we can sent him to paradise. God is the judge, and actually the last judgment did not happened yet. but we have hope. we do not know where is the soul of our dead relative. but even if he is feeling the hell we pray to god to give him some release . like we go to visit our relative who is bad and is in prison. we do not take him out, just give him some comfort. the same is our prayer. we send to him by God some love and mercy which is from god.
every Saturday is dedicated to pray for the dead.
we pray for the dead in the church in every liturgy.
and many other times. see our chapter about life after death.

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