
關於「上帝的本質」About the Essence of god

The trinity and the world

The holy trinity exists independently of the world. There is nothing in the world that can express 100% how is god.

「聖三位一體」是獨立於世界之外而存在的。這個世界沒有任何的事物 可以百分之百的表達上帝。

In the world acts IN TIME, and IN SPACE.

因為世界是在 時間及空間裡運作的。

What was misunderstood was that the son of god promised to sent the holy spirit. So john 15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: , augustin and the western people, because they do not know greek language they thought that son sents the holy spirit also. So the holy spirit has 2 who can sent it. The Father and the son.

因為約翰福音 15:26說:「當護慰者,就是我從父那裏要給你們派遣的,那發於父的真理之神來到時,他必要為我作證。」
奧古斯汀因和西方的人,因為他們不了解希臘文, 所以他們認為聖子也可以派遣聖靈。

But this is very wrong and cannot be accepted. It is wrong because there are 2 different words in greek language, but in latin, english and from this in chinese they undertand as one.

然而,這是一個非常嚴重且不可被接受的錯誤,錯誤 的原因在於,在 「希臘文」中,這是兩個不一樣的字,
可是在 「拉丁文」、「英文」以及由這兩種語言所翻譯過來的「中文」,都被理解為同一個字。

Πεμψω is different from εκπορεύεται.

Πεμψω和 εκπορεύεται是兩個不同的字。

Πεμψω means send you somewhere


εκπορεύεται. Means comes from, your family. For example you are born in taipei but you εκπορεύεται from HongKong, your family is from there, your pronunciation is from there, but you still are here,

舉個例來說:你在台北出生,但是,你 εκπορεύεται於香港,意思是「你的家庭是從香港來的」,

In history, for our salvation, yes, the son sends the holy spirit to us, and vise versa,

the holy spirit sends the son. Jesus is born from the holy spirit and Maria, and the

holy spirit brings us to Jesus. (Matthew 1:18, 1:20, 1cor 12:3 etc…)

來的,耶穌是藉由聖靈和聖 母瑪利亞才誕生,聖靈為我們帶來了耶穌。
1:18,1:20,哥林 多前書 12:3 …等等)

But this has nothing to do with the how the holy spirit exists for ever. The holy spirit

has only one reason, the Father, exists because the Father proceeds the Spirit.

因為,聖父發 出聖靈而使得聖靈存在。

If the holy spirit proceeds from the son also (not in the bible) then the Holy spirit has

2 origins, then there are 2 origins in trinity , 2 gods, not one. !!!! This is why the

church never accepted it and can not accept it.

如果聖靈也可以由聖子發出(這不是聖經的關點),那麼聖靈就有兩個 源頭,
體也將會有兩個源頭,那就 會有兩個上帝,而不是一個上帝!!!
法接受這個論點,也絕對不 能接受這個論點。

The priority of the person over the essence

「獨一無二的那一位」優先於 「本質」

But for the westerners important is the essence. They say , god is one still, because there is one essence. what is happening in this essence is not so important.

然而,對於西 方人來說,「本質」才是最重要的。
他們會說,上帝是唯一的,因為上帝只有 一個「本質」,
但是,在這個「本質」裡究竟發生了什麼事就不那麼重要 了。

For example even the 3 persons quarrel, still god is one, because there is one essence, the essence makes god to be god.

舉個例來說: 即使是這三個人彼此爭吵,上帝仍然是唯一的,因為他們 的只有一個本質,這個本質使的上帝成為上帝。

You may say, the theologians fight for nothing it is not important to you. But actually is very important.

你也許會說, 神學家只是在做無 用的爭吵,這對我一點都不重要。然而,事實上,這的確是非常的重要。

God loves you, PERSONALLY, does not love you generally as one human being, a number. Jesus did not come to save the humanity, abstract, but PERSONALLY ME AND YOU AND ALL.

上帝愛你,他 所愛的是「獨一無二」的你,而不是把你當成人類的一部 分或者某一個編號來愛。

God is the god of persons of Abraham (Matthew 22: 32) not just some power.

上帝是亞伯拉 罕的上帝、以撒的上帝、雅各的上帝(馬太福音 22:32),上帝不只是一種力量。

If I am just a number, a citizen , this is the dictatorship of the mass to the persons. Now the human nature is a constrain to my freedom. I am human, I can not change this. My nature is sick, I die. But god gives me way to overcome this (john 1:13) what I am is not complete now. It will be in the future. (revel 2:17 3:12)

如果我只是一 個公民,擁有自己的編號,那麼,對這個群體來說,這個 人就是一種獨裁的政權。
可是上帝給我一條道路來克服這種病態(約翰福音 1:13)。
現在的我並不是完全的我,在未來,我將會變成完全的我。(啟示錄 2:17 3:12)

A man does not love a woman generally, (and vise versa) but a particular woman . But see how tragic it becomes if somebody says , (as happens) I just want a woman to give birth to kids, I do not care who she is.

一般來說,一 個男人並不會隨便一個女人都愛,而是只愛特定的一個女 人,反之亦然。
然而,如果一個人說,我只想要一個女人來為我生小孩,我並不在乎她是誰 (這樣的情形確實發生過),

The essence can not exist without persons.

如果沒有「獨一無二的那個人」,本質是無法存在 的。

Why I love somebody? For what he HAS (this is essence) or for what he IS , for his personality (which is a free love, sometimes even out of logic, may be somebody is bad, bur we still love him)

為何我會愛某個人?是因為他有什麼(這就是「本 質」)或者,他是什 麼?
我想,我們之所以 愛上一個人,是因為他的人格

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